Chapter 4: Offerings of Company Securities
Part C: Items required to be included in a prospectus
R61: Options or preferential rights in respect of shares
- (1) Section 1, Paragraph 5 of every prospectus must concisely summarize the substance of any agreement or proposed agreement, as at the date of the prospectus, whereby any option or preferential right of any kind was or is proposed to be given to any person to subscribe for any shares of the company or any subsidiary of the company, giving the number and description of any such shares, including, in regard to the option or right, particulars of-
- (a) the period during which it is exercisable;
- (b) the price to be paid for shares subscribed for under it;
- (c) the consideration given or to be given for it;
- (d) the names and addresses of the persons to whom it was given, other than to existing shareholders as such or to employees under an employee share scheme;
- (e) if given to existing shareholders as such, material particulars thereof; and
- (f) any other material fact or circumstance concerning the granting of such option or right.
- (2) For the purpose of this regulation, "subscribing for shares" includes acquiring them from a person to whom they were allotted, or were agreed to be allotted, with a view to that person offering them for sale.
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